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EPF Zakat

EPF Zakat


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EPF Zakat Nisab

Tahun Bulan Harga (RM)
July - December
Januari – Jun
Julai – Disember
Januari – Jun

EPF Zakat Calculation

Intention for EPF Zakat

“This is the amount of RM............. to fulfill the obligatory EPF Zakat on
myself / on behalf of the party I represent for the year............. for the sake of Allah Ta’ala.

  • Calculate Zakat
  • Maklumat Penzakat
  • Akad


You are not eligible for zakat due to not reaching nisab Zakat KWSP RM10.00

Intention to Pay Zakat

Inilah wang sebanyak   sebagai menunaikan zakat yang wajib ke atas diri saya kerana ALLAH Ta'ala.


Is It Necessary to Pay Zakat on EPF?

EPF (Employees Provident Fund) is part of an employee's income stored in the employee's savings account, regulated under the EPF Act. The Withdrawal Scheme introduced by EPF is subject to Wealth Zakat, which should be fulfilled by the contributor once the wealth is withdrawn.

Funds that are still within the saving period are not subject to zakat, as they have not yet met the necessary conditions; that is, they are not yet fully owned.

When should EPF zakat be paid? Once the funds are withdrawn, it means they have met the conditions and are fully owned by the contributor. Since it operates similarly to savings, EPF is also subject to zakat.

Fatwa on the Obligation to Pay EPF Zakat

The 74th Meeting of the National Fatwa Committee for Islamic Religious Affairs Malaysia was held in July 2006 and concluded that:

According to the Shafi'i school of thought, zakat on wealth is obligatory once it meets the nisab and haul (one-year holding period). EPF funds are considered as savings wealth, so zakat is obligatory once it is withdrawn, fulfilling both conditions.

Scholars agree that wealth zakat can be paid earlier if the wealth meets its nisab requirement. Therefore, the committee decided, based on the National Fatwa Committee's ruling in November 1982, as follows:

Contributors are encouraged to pay zakat as soon as they withdraw EPF funds if they meet the nisab without waiting for the one-year holding period.

Types & Calculation of EPF Zakat

The method of calculating EPF Zakat depends on two situations:

Before reaching the age of 55 (ownership is not yet complete)

2.5% of the EPF withdrawal amount is subject to zakat. If the withdrawal amount is below the nisab, it should be combined with other income.


  • Nisab for 2024: RM24,007.00
  • Mr. Ali (35 years old) withdraws RM10,000 from the i-Sinar Scheme**
  • Zakat amount required: RM10,000 X 2.5% = RM250.00
**Based on types of withdrawals that are subject to zakat, such as the i-Lestari Scheme, Education Withdrawal Scheme, etc.

After reaching the age of 55 (complete ownership)

2.5% of the entire EPF amount is subject to zakat, similar to the zakat on savings method, and no further deductions for EPF contributions are applied to the income assessment for those still working.


  • Nisab for 2024: RM24,007.00
  • Mr. Ahmad (55 years old) has EPF funds amounting to RM100k.
  • Zakat amount required: RM100,000 X 2.5% = RM2,500.00

Calculate & Pay Zakat

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